A Walk for Sunshine by Jeff Alt – 20th Anniversary Edition
a walk for sunshine, jeff alt
In A Walk for Sunshine, Jeff Alt details his journey along the 2,160-mile Appalachian Trail in honor of his brother, Aaron, who has cerebral palsy. As Alt walked more than 5 million steps through freezing temperatures, driving rain, and sunny skies, he was constantly buoyed by the knowledge that his walk was dedicated to his brother. As you walk along with Jeff, you experience perseverance, surviving with only the bare essentials, the success of goal setting, and overcoming obstacles. His story sheds light on the pursuit of a simpler life. Filled with humorous, frightening, and inspirational stories including bears, bugs, blisters, captivating characters, skunk bed mates, and hilarious food cravings, outdoor enthusiasts will enjoy this adventure for a noble cause.
Jeff’s adventure inspired an annual Walk, Run, and Roll fundraiser which has raised more than $500,000 for people with disabilities served by Sunshine Communities. This year, they will celebrate the 20th annual Walk, Run and Roll on September 9th, 2017. Jeff and Sunshine have hosted the annual event each year since his original hike in 1998.
In celebration of the 20th annual Sunshine, Walk, Run, and Roll, Beaufort Books released a special anniversary addition of A Walk for Sunshine. This new edition includes a foreword by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, practical advice to plan your own hiking adventure, and an afterword by Sunshine Communities. The book includes Jeff’s epilogue focusing on his Life Lessons from the trail and how he has applied them to his life. The anniversary addition will be released on September 9th and available for sale online and in stores. A percentage of book sales will be donated to Sunshine Communities.
What People Are Saying About A Walk for Sunshine:
“Engaging.” — Newsday
“Alt nails the trail experience.” — Chicago Sun-Times
“Lively...humorous...upbeat...A Walk For Sunshine is about the human spirit and following your dreams.” — Outdoor Times
“Refreshingly funny.” —Indianapolis Starr
“Jeff wrote a book about his 147 day hiatus from civilization. Give him an afternoon and he could write a book on the art of hiking as well.” — ESPN’s Inside Americas National Parks
“Humorous and inspirational.” — Lexington Herald-Leader
“Enlightening and inspiring.” — Blue Ridge Outdoors
For more information, please contact Kelsey Butts at Book Publicity Services at Kelsey@BookPublicityServices.com or (805) 807-9027.