3 Simple Strategies to Get Your Book Noticed

The biggest struggle for self-published authors is getting your work out there, building an audience. Without a large publishing house marketing your work, you need a serious game plan to get your book noticed.  While this may seem daunting at first, there are several simple strategies that will help you gain an audience and build your career as an author:

1. Join a writing group

Teaming up with other authors can be extremely beneficial for several reasons. Not only do you have peers to read and edit your work, but you also make friends who can help you market your book to their friends and audience. These groups can be found through Facebook and Meetup, or you could even contact independent authors directly if you wish to work with them. Chances are, they could use some extra help with their work, too.

2. Give your book away

Yes, this does seem like a step backward in your budding career as a best-seller, but this can be a great way for new authors to draw readers.  Give everyone the opportunity to read your book, especially while your name is not familiar. Listing a book for free allows readers to get to know your work without any financial commitment. More people are likely to read a book of an independent author for free and very likely to share a good read with their friends. This step can take you very quickly from “unknown” to “favorite” on their wish list and then give you the leeway to raise prices on your next release. See Amazon’s step-by-step instructions for self-publishing with Kindle to get started, and see our post to learn more about these book giveaways!

3.  Become a local celebrity

Contact your local bookstores to arrange signings and meet-and-greets. Often a reader will pause to look at your work just because you are there, and it is always beneficial to gain support from your own community. 


Should you try to sell your book in stores?


Listing Your Book for Free on Amazon