365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake!
365 days of happiness
In 365 Days of Happiness, author, energy healer, and mindfulness teacher Jacqueline Pirtle has created a step-by-step guide to being happy. The book contains 365 short and sweet daily readings to inspire you live a happier life, one day at a time. Showing that you can put in work to change your life while also having fun, the practices are full of whimsy and delight.
Jacqueline spent every day of 2017 devoted to her own happiness. She wrote every single day about the things she did to honor her joy and used those writings to create this 365 day step-by-step guide. With this book, she aims to teach you how to shift your mindset to happy — no matter where you are at in life. She hopes these readings will touch your heart and change your life by initiating new learning, understanding, knowledge, and wisdom to get closer to your true, authentic happy self.
Through light, bubbly, cheerful passages, each day teaches you to find happiness. Use those sour lemons and shift yourself into a “high for life” frequency where you can reach happiness anywhere and at any time.
The best cookie recipe makes delicious and enjoyable cookies! The best happiness recipe makes a delicious and enjoyable life
- Acknowledge everything and everyone without judgment.
- Accept everything and everyone.
- Respect everything and everyone.
- Appreciate everything and everyone.
- Thank everything and everyone.
- Love everything and everyone.
With everything and everyone, I mean all, without exceptions! Because everything and every and everyone is in your life for a reason.
Acknowledging all in this way, releases resistance; and without your resistance you can shift smoothly with all that is happening for you. Who knows, you might even love it!
Life is an ever changing and constant moving experience: it is naturally so. Every split second is new, different, and fresh. That means every split second you get new opportunities and chances for a change to happen.
Use those split seconds, and make your delicious and enjoyable new day!
That IS happiness!
To learn more, go to http://www.freakyhealer.com/